Fossil Friday - dinosaur limb bone

IMG_2777.JPGIn the Western Science Center lab, we're making steady progress through several field seasons' worth of fossils from the Menefee Formation in New Mexico. We're working on fossils of dinosaurs, crocodiles, turtles, and plants, all dating to around 80 million years ago.This week, WSC volunteer Joe Reavis began prepping a fairly hefty dinosaur limb bone that was collected in 2016 by me and colleagues from the Zuni Dinosaur Institute for Geosciences and Southwest Paleontological Society. We're not yet certain what type of dinosaur this is from, or even which bone in the skeleton this is. One of the ends of the bone had eroded out onto the hillside prior to discovery, so we need to see if we can piece it back together and reattach it to the rest of the bone. There's always more to learn!Post by Curator Dr. Andrew McDonald.